Extra marital relationship
Ragini and Devarsh
Background of client
Ragini and Devarsh were married for around 15 years and had to kids, the elder being a teenager boy. Devarsh was a professional and Ragini was well educated and was never allowed to pursue her career and therefore she remained a house wife.
Overview of the issue
She was not getting the physical happiness from her husband and was being ill treated also. One day, she found out that her husband had an affair with a lady in his office. She confronted with her husband and he confessed but not guilty for what he has been doing. He is of the view that he, being a male, can do anything. In the meanwhile, Ragini wanted to take revenge and therefore she also started to find out somebody from outside and started dating him. When the husband found this out, he acted like a typical Indian male and sent her to her parental home. Everyone treated her as a culprit. She was broken. After so many attempts, she returned back to her home and did not know how to handle the situation now.
Our involvement
At this stage, Ragini contacted our institute- Sambandhah on Google. Individual and joint sessions were given to them. She realized her potential of pursuing her career and also her duties as a wife to bring the husband back to her. Devarsh promised to stop the extra marital relationship and move ahead.
End result
After a long gap, Ragini visited the counsellor again. She said that Devarsh was not at all guilty of his relationship outside. But, she has become confident enough to handle the situation with firmness, instead of keep crying. She is handling the kids properly and also has started a job. Therefore, she is becoming independent and also diverted her mind. She said that because of her busy schedule now, she is not getting disturbed about her husband’s behaviour and she is waiting for her husband to realize his guilt and come back to her.