Where does it come 8
Samvat - Chinar
Background of client
Samvat and Chinar are married for aroung 17 years. They have a teenager son. They stay in a nuclear family but previously used to stay in joint family for a number of years.
Overview of the issue
The mismatching behaviour of wife and mother always bothered Samvat. He used to try to strike a balance between the two. However, could not do it to the extent it has to be. Later on, when they settled abroad, he thought the distance will keep the relation smooth. But, there also, Chinar used to pick up fights on every small issue and the whole family time is disturbed. The fights used to go to any extent. The child was also somewhere hit by this atmosphere.
Our involvement
Samvat contacted our institute – Sambandhah. The counsellor, during the course of lot of sessions, focused on :
(i) the behaviour of Chinar
(ii) the behaviour of parents of Samvat
(iii) the behaviour of parents, siblings of Chinar
(iv) Chinar’s behaviour from her childhood and the factors that contributed to her current behaviour.
(v) The son’s output and his expectations from his parents.
The analysis from all these was made by the counsellor which came to the point that Chinar was highly sensitive since childhood, her sensitivity was not taken care of by her parents due to ignorance and therefore her behaviour turned to rebellious at this age. Because of the continuous fights, Samvat also lost interest and charm from his life.
End result
After a number of sessions spread over a period of around six months, both of them understood the root cause of their problems, son understood his role as a son in the atmosphere, the parents of both sides understood their limitations of interfering with the lives of their children and ultimately, the couple and son are having a normal life, with very less number of disturbances and fights in the family.