Post Marital Counseling

Laying strong foundation to relations.


Changes are inevitable in the life of an individual. Getting married is the major change which occurs in anyone’s life. When we invest our time into
something, we need to make sure that it is worthy. We need to be assured that the foundation is worthy enough investing.

Marriage is also something, where we invest our life into it! Therefore it is very much necessary that it is good enough to go for it!

These sessions help the couple to cope up with the new and long lasting phase of life.


The aim is to have strong and happy families and help individuals to avoid conflicts, disputes and thus, bringing down the divorce rates. This will also help the couples to stay physically and mentally fit, in turn contribute happiness to the society and most importantly, to give a happy next generation to the world!


Suitable For




Social Society Group

Marriage Bureau


When two persons are married to each other, it is the happiest day of their life. At the same time, there are lot of confusions, fears, doubts about how to cope with each other in an entirely new environment in midst of so many new people. These sessions help the couples to cope up with all these feelings and lay a strong foundation of marriage.

Parents wait for the day when their children get married. If the children are married happily, they are happy. They can expect assistance from the children when they are old. But, if the children go through disturbed marriage life, the parents not only got broke but also have a fear of their old age being ruined. These sessions help them to find a suitable partner for their children.

Siblings share a special bond with each other. When they get married, they expect their partners’ to get mixed in the family. This brings comfort among the siblings and the family in general. The otherwise is worse and can actually separate the siblings, bringing a division in the happy family. These sessions help to select suitable candidate to keep the family united and make it happy.

Societal groups always thrive hard to have a peaceful society. These sessions help the groups in throwing light to the problems being faced by the society after marriage and achieve the ultimate aim of peace in the society.

Marriage Bureaus work hard to help the unmarried get married with suitable partners. To add to it, they can approach us for these pre-marital sessions to see that the persons who get married through their bureau remain happily married. This will increase the reputation of the marriage bureau concerned.

The NGO’s which work on eradicating the problems of the individuals and the society can suggest these sessions to the persons concerned to avoid the problems.

Services Offered

  • Individual Counselling Individual Counselling Individual
  • Group Counselling Group Counselling Group
  • Seminar Counselling Seminar Counselling Seminars
  • Webinar Counselling Webinar Counselling Webinar
  • Workshop Workshop Workshops
  • Keynote Speaking Keynote Speaking Keynote Speaking
  • Tele Counselling Tele Counselling Tele Counselling
  • Guest Speech Guest Speech Guest Speech

Individual Counselling

These sessions are targeted to focus on "Would-Be Couples" who are engaged or going to engage soon. These are individual sessions of 45 minutes each covering all the important topics in total of 7 sessions. The sessions may vary on the requirement and understanding of the individuals. The whole counselling is divided into certain segments where four will be of couples together, one session will be of the girls' parent's side and one session will be of the boys' parent's side. Last session will be winding up and get together of both the sides.

Group Counselling

Group Counselling sessions are conducted with minimum 5 couples and maximum 10 couples. These sessions will be taken in a collective atmosphere where all the topics will be explained in 7 different sessions in one day. In these sessions also, two hours will be dedicated to the parents of both the sides.


This will be of two hours at the time and venue convenient to the organizer and to the speaker. This will cover the over view of the Pre-marital Counselling sessions. The speaker shall speak for one and half hour and the rest half an hour will be dedicated to the audience for question and answer session.


This will be of two hours conducted 'online' from the comfort of the homes of the audience on the date and time fixed. This will cover the over view of the Pre-marital Counselling sessions. The speaker shall speak for one and half hour and the rest half an hour will be dedicated to the audience for question and answer session.


This will be of a duration of one day with breakfast, lunch included and with full of activities. This will be conducted for a minimum of 5 couples and maximum of 10 couples. The entire sessions of individual counselling will be covered in one day. This will be beneficial to those who cannot spend one hour each day for seven consecutive days.

Keynote Speaking

On invitation from any organization or institution, the speaker from this institute shall attend and deliver the speech on the topic defined. The time duration will be as defined by the organizer.

Tele Counselling

This will be the same as individual counselling sessions. There shall be 7 sessions of 45 minutes each. The benefit of this counselling will be available to distant individuals who can participate in these sessions from their hometown. The couple and the counselor will have a conference through video/audio call and conduct the sessions.

Guest Speech

The institute shall invite prominent guest speakers on certain occasions for sharing their knowledge, experience and observation to the audience. The programme will be designed as per the practice of the guest speaker.


Ms. Srilatha
Ms. Srilatha(Hon.) Happy Family Coach, Lofe Coach & Certified Counsellor
A firm believer of the above quote, our expert counsellor Ms. Srilatha (Hon.) is working hard to give the best of Guidance and Life Mantras one can have.
Mr. Mahesh Dave
Mr. Mahesh Dave(Hon.) Life Coach & Certified Counsellor
Inspired by the Above Quote, an Honorary Counselor Mahesh Dave has worked hard in his life to achieve the position he is in today.
Ms. Asmi Gandhi
Ms. Asmi GandhiRelationship Counselor and Life Coach
An Educationist from past 35 years, Ms. Asmi Gandhi believes that education plays a key role in shaping an individual.
Mr. Dinesh Gajjar
Mr. Dinesh GajjarRelationship Counselor and Life Coach
A Man of Passion and Purpose, highly spirited and with a never ending approach towards innovation, Mr. Dinesh Gajjar is one of the most reputed personality in the corporate industry.
Ms. Ekta Shah
Ms. Ekta ShahRelationship Counselor and Life Coach
A woman with a great vision and interest, Ms. Ekta Shah is a Social Activist who loves to help people get out of their miseries.
Mr. Udayan Bhupatray Lotia
Mr. Udayan Bhupatray LotiaRelationship Counselor and Life Coach
Life can be very difficult for some, and for Mr. Udayan Bhupatray Lotia it was more than difficult for him. Diagnosed with Retinal Detachment Pigmentosa at an early stage of life.


Ankita & Gurpreet


We had love marriage. We know each other since long before marriage. Our parents were initially not agreed for our marriage, but finally they permitted us. We are just married before eight moths. We lived separately from the beginning. However, we had no intimacy and feeling towards each other, because we both were busy in our career. We felt that there is some gap between us but we didn’t recognise it. We contacted Sambandhah institute through Google. The counsellor of the Sambandhah institute advised us properly by arranging online sessions. We must be candid that on every session, we came closer and closer each other and ultimately, we life our happy life. We feel that the Counsellor of the Sambandhah institute has much experience towards relationship. Thank you so much Sambandhah institute.

Ankita & Gurpreet

Vaibhavi & Kandarp


We do not want to forget our initial days of married life. Those days were very painful and very disappointed for us. We thought that after getting married, we will be enjoying our life to the fullest, but it was our myth. After marriage, She remained very busy in house-hold chores and did not give time to me. She had lot of social responsibilities. She had a quarrel with my mother. She did not cope up with the professional life and personal life. I also felt bad when she complained me at night. Therefore, the intimacy and affection/love was gradually down day-by-day between us. One of our friend took us at the Sambandhah institute, where their very experienced Counselor taught us whole guidance for living happily by balancing all the things. Now, we are living our happy life with one kid of two years. Many many thanks to our friend who took us at the institute and also thanks to Sambandhah institute and the Counsellor also.

Vaibhavi & Kandarp

Kruti & Aakar


We are very disturbed due to our own sentiments towards marriage life. We didn’t want to compromise towards it. Ultimately, it resulted into verbal fights and sometime real fights between us. Finally, we approached Sambandhah. We are really very much thankful to Sambandhah because the Counsellor who gave us advice is very knowledgeable, kind and humble. We were taught step-by-step for how to nurture relations by various sessions. Finally, we are happy in our life.

Kruti & Aakar



When I entered into my house, I always saw my dad mood-less, which disturbed me lot. Because of grand-father’s sad demise, he felt lonely. My grand-mother was in her own world and followed others’ advise. After taking sessions with Sambandhah, my father is now happy and accepted the sad demise of my grand-father and further, realised that if we are happy – mentally and physically, then we can take care of other family members properly. Now, he is happy and consequently, I am also feeling good and happy.




Me jab meri life me bahut confused thi aur mujhe life kaha le jana hai vo pata nahi tha tab Sambandhah institute ne mujhe right time pe proper guide kiya aur life me actually kya sahi hai aur kya galat hai ye samjaya aur aaj me aapna rasta khud banake un par chal rahi hu aur happy hu.



Apart from trust and understanding, sex and finance are other pillars of marriage.

Privacy is keeping something to yourself and secrecy is keeping something from others. Privacy is advisable in marriage whereas secrecy is destroyable.

Children are grown up when they are married and are capable to give a new generation further. Sharing everything with parents may lead to a disturbance in the couples. It is better to keep some private issues between the couple only.

Communication is the key for nurturing the marital relation. So, keep in touch with each other as possible as you can.