Disturbed husband and wife relationship
Rashmiben - Piyushbhai
Background of client
Rashmiben and Piyushbhai are married for approximately seventeen years with twin daughters.
Overview of the issue
Their nature of duty is such that they have to stick to the timings, whatever the situation may be. The duty is there for all days in the year without any break. Rashmiben used to do all this work very judiciously but after the birth of twin children, her work was doubled and she could not cope up with that. Becuase of this, she used to remain frustrated and her health conditions also did not permit her to do so. Piyushbhai, on the other hand, was not at all brought up in the manner to do the things which were handled by Rashmiben. He loved his wife very much but he was not able to do the things for her. He used to advise his wife to take some help from outside to which Rashmiben did not respond to. This leaded to constant fights and also effected their emotional life and sexual life.
Our involvement
Piyushbhai’s sister, who knew all these and who is residing abroad, contacted our institute – Sambandhah. The sessions with both of them revealed the rigidity of Rashmiben of not changing her habits according to the circumstances and Piyushbhai’s anger. The sessions focussed on anger management of Piyushbhai and Rashmiben understanding the fact that if the body does not permit her to do the overloaded work, she has to take the help from wherever available, instead of sticking to her own thoughts of doing everything on her own. Parenting was also covered in these sessions as the frustration often led to hitting the children, which led to their frustration again.
End result
Piyushbhai understood that his anger should be controlled. Husband and wife are in a partnership where sometimes the partner has to help the other in whatever work to help run the household smoothly. Rashmiben understood the importance of holding and letting go some things in proper circumstances. Because of the removal of differences and understanding about the relationship, their relationship again came on tracks and started to live happily.